First-Year Facts is an annual publication that is produced for NC State's Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
The piece is distributed to prospective students, high school counselors, and key stakeholders on campus, detailing important information pertaining to the incoming fall class. This information typically includes academic interests and majors, test score averages, as well as residency and demographic statistics.
During an average, non-pandemic academic year, First-Year Facts is a printed piece produced by NC State's Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Due to COVID-19-related event cancellations and a necessary increase in digital communications, First-Year Facts needed to become a digital document that could be linked and emailed.
Please see the full-length 2020 First-Year Facts PDF here.

A small amount of 2020 First-Year Facts were printed for physical mailing and inclusion in other appropriate counselor mailing packets. These copies were produced at 8"x10" on a 100# uncoated cover stock.